Saturday, December 27, 2008


My 1st ever nightmare dates back to 1990 when I barely had the ability to understand things and distinguish among different feelings. I still remember that nightmare since it had continued to re-occur many times over a considerable number of years. In it,I saw myself as a white tourist lost, along with other fellow tourists,possibly in the dense Amazon forests. As we tried to find our way back,we headed deeper into the jungle,till we stepped into the area inhabited by some local tribe. The barbaric tribe trapped us,inspite of our efforts to flee from that place. No matter how hard we,and in particular,I, tried to break free,they captivated me,bound me with ropes,and placed a pot of boiling water beneath me. The rest is understood.
The reason why I considered this nightmare worth mentioning is because I feel there is some uncanny connection between us.
Considering my natural interest towards mysticism and mystery,I had once logged onto a 'Past life finder' website,where my curiosity got the better of me. I ended up with the web result which said that in one of my past lives,hundreds of years before the birth of proper civilization, I had been a religious mystic Healer,dwelling in the forests, relieving people of their pains.
The one word that left me wondering about this past life story was 'Forest'.
How was it possible that i repeatedly had the same dream day after day and year after year,with no considerable change in the content?
Was it possible that the nightmare was indeed a reflection of one of my past lives?
I still do not know the answer.
Being a engineering student my logic says that there is no such thing as past life.
But, that particular nightmare,at a tender age when I did not even have the slightest idea about cannibals or tribes,speaks otherwise,and still leaves me wondering...

1 comment:

  1. Firstly, 1990!!!!! No idea how to managed to remember that..
    Secondly, the dream reminded me of those old Tom and Jerry cartoons :P and of course Jack Sparrow in the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie..
    Thirdly, I think that quiz you took is a very freaky co-incidence.. You as a healer in one of those jungle tribes!!
    Lastly, I don't believe in past lives myself so I have to label it just as a weird co-incidence.
